SBPS to Continue In-Person Classes as PPHD COVID Dial Moves Toward Higher Spread Risk

October 9th, 2020 | Scott Miller

With the areas risk dial continuing to reflect an increased spread of COVID-19 and nearing the Orange Risk Level, it is important for parents and community to know that the District has no current plans to move to a hybrid, split session environment. This decision has been made with the support of Panhandle Public Health District and in collaboration with neighboring school districts.

In the event the risk dial moves to orange, we will continue to hold school five days a week as normal relying upon our current precautions including mandatory masking in all elementary and secondary schools. Should severe local conditions ever warrant any reductions in the school day or move to alternating days, for example, this decision would only be made with the support of our Board of Education and/or direction from State authorities. Additionally, such a decision would be made in collaboration with neighboring school districts and Panhandle Public Health.

As of now, our strategies have proven to be effective in preventing any spread or multiple quarantines due to contacts within the school day on school grounds. While athletic activities continue to be the most challenging environment, our coaches have also been very successful in minimizing any further quarantines.  The Districts comprehensive Return to School Plan has been updated to reflect current conditions and will be reviewed as circumstances warrant. We appreciate the cooperation of parents and community, without whose support, none of these efforts could be successful.


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